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Chula Vista Buzz: Keeping You in the Know!

Hey Chula Vista! It’s been a hot one out there, so stay cool and hydrated as we dive into some of the news swirling around our vibrant city.

Local Heroes and Headlines:

  • Our condolences go out to the family and friends of the individual involved in the recent police shooting. Stay informed by checking out the San Diego Union-Tribune for a detailed report.
  • Calling all foodies! The City Council is considering extending permits for restaurants to set up shop on public streets. This could mean more variety and outdoor dining options for all of us. Let your voice be heard at the next council meeting!

Cheers and Commerce:

  • Raise a glass to Vogue Tavern! Our local watering hole is making waves in the inaugural San Diego Cocktail Championship. Best of luck to their talented bartenders!
  • Looking for top-shelf cannabis products? March and Ash dispensary just opened their new doors. Welcome aboard!

Beating the Summer Sizzle:

With the heat cranking up, staying cool is a top priority. Luckily, The Star News has some fantastic tips to keep you comfortable during these scorching days.

Nationally Noted:

  • A Chula Vista resident recently made national news after being indicted for alleged threats against a district attorney in Georgia. Marc Shultz, 66, is accused of posting threats in YouTube livestreams, in which he stated among other things that Willis “will be killed like a dog” for prosecuting Trump for allegedly attempting to overturn his 2020 presidential election defeat in Georgia, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia.

Get Involved, Chula Vista!

These are just a few of the stories shaping our city. Remember, you can play a part!

What else is buzzing in Chula Vista? Share your thoughts and local happenings in the comments below! Until next time, stay cool, stay connected, and stay proud to be part of this amazing community.

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